Saturday, September 4, 2010

A little bit about me

My name is Brittany Williams. I have just started my senior year at Lock Haven University. My area of discipline is Sports Administration and I have taken on minors in Coaching, Aquatics and Recreation Management. I also currently compete as a Lady Eagle on the Women's swim team at Lock Haven.

Throughout my entire life I have always been involved in sports in one way or another and I have loved every minute of it. Pursuing a career  in sports couldn't have been a better decision. There are so many different areas to get involved in. After I graduate from LHU I am planning on attending graduate school. Where that may be is still undecided at the moment however, I am crossing my fingers and hoping I get in to UNC. Afterwards I would like to go into Event and Facilities Management at the Professional sports level.

Since I was 3 years old I have been a swimmer. Swimming is such a major part of my life, I am not sure who I would be without all the experiences this sport has given me. Someday I would like to give back to the swimming community and become a coach. Helping an athlete pursue their dreams like all my coaches have helped me pursue mine would mean so much. to me.

Regarding technology, I feel that I know what I'm doing most of the time. I am not an expert by any means but I am able to do the basics and a little more when its called for. I have taken a few online courses throughout my college years. One in Psychology, Music, and a Government class. I did fairly well in all of these classes and liked being able to complete the assignments at my own pace. However, I do not feel that I would be able to take this class online. I like the face to face interaction that is involved and being able to come talk to the professor when I need help.

One interesting fact about me is that this past summer I had an amazing opportunity to work down in Auburn, AL at the Brett Hawke Auburn Swim Camps as a camp counselor and swim coach. Throughout my time down here I was able to meet some of the biggest names and faces in the swimming world such as coaches Brett Hawke and Ian Pope and Olympic Swimmers Cesar Cielo, Rowdy Gaines, Mark Gangloff and Tyler McGill.

Me with Auburn Head Coach Brett Hawke

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